Women Entrepreneurs Leadership Series
By Sarah Flynn

In keeping with its twenty-five-year mandate of supporting women in business in Newfoundland and Labrador, NLOWE has embarked on a two-year initiative to create a Gender Diversity Leadership Toolkit. With support from Women and Gender Equality Canada, the objective of this project is to encourage young women and girls in rural Newfoundland and Labrador and women living with a disability to advance in leadership and decision-making positions, including senior management and board of directors positions.  
To enrich and inform our work on this project, NLOWE will conduct focus groups this fall throughout the province with stakeholders, industry professionals, and the target demographic. From these focus groups, we hope to gain information on existing policies, practices, successes, and challenges, and to and to gauge current opinion on the topic of women and leadership in the province. Once the project is completed, the toolkit will be available to businesses and organizations to assist in developing policies, practices, and overall workplace culture.   
If you are interested in contributing to the creation of NLOWE’s Gender Diversity Leadership Toolkit, please contact Sarah Flynn, project coordinator, at sflynn@nlowe.org. We look forward to meeting with people throughout the province as we work on this exciting initiative.
Sarah Flynn is a Program Coordinator with NLOWE