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Updated: Mar 29, 2022

What type of leader are you? Are you an independent or an interdependent leader?

The difference manifests in how we construct a successful and healthy workplace culture.

The moment you move from independence to interdependence in any capacity, you step into a leadership role. You are now in a position of influencing others. Interdependent leadership requires a commitment to explore all options until a mutually beneficial solution is reached.

Leadership always requires you to build a relationship with your team. Lack of leadership leads to failure.


A newly promoted manager held a meeting with her staff to discuss the past quarter’s shortfalls. Targets were not met. Discussions were harsh and unsympathetic. Finger-pointing and defensiveness dominated the meeting.

Within a week of the staff meeting, the senior employee resigned. This shocked the team, as her departure was a significant loss. The manager learned later that the employee was going through a custody battle with her ex-husband. It was taking a toll on her life personally and professionally.

Some of you may say that people need to separate the personal issues when they are at work, right? “If you have personal issues, deal with it, leave it at home; the company is not responsible for helping you.” I’ve heard this response many times throughout my working career.

This is a perfect example of what happens when leaders treat their subordinates like commodities instead of people. Those who belong to this old-school style of leadership should be acutely aware that this leadership style will not succeed with today’s workforce.

Gone are the days of autocratic leadership, with a mindset of “my way or the highway.” Nowadays, leadership isn’t about your title; it’s about one life influencing another for the greater good of the individuals that are entrusted to serve their customers, community, and by extension the world.

I believe the most effective leadership style is built upon a leader’s genuine investment in the personal and professional development of their staff members.

It is clear from this example that being the “queen of mean” will have a detrimental impact on the organization.

Interdependent leadership is a cutting-edge strategy used by many top leaders to overcome the effects of today’s economic challenges. It is important for leaders and employees to link arms and synergize their strengths and possibilities to face the challenges prevalent in modern economies.

Renowned leadership expert and author Stephen R. Covey retells the story of “The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg,” in which the owner abuses the goose to accelerate production, but in the process leaves it destitute and sterile. Covey advocates nurturing the “goose” as a primary goal of leadership. This will ensure the future production of high-quality eggs (The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People).

Whether you’re the leader of a small team, a manager of a large retail store, or the CEO of a global corporation, your people are your most valuable asset. Focus company culture on taking a personal interest in your people.

“Good job” isn’t the end of a sentence. “Good job” is the beginning of a sentence.


Currently the independent owner/operator of AVAIL HR Training Solutions, Edwina Bateman has obtained an honorary MBA degree in Human Resource Management and served more than 30 years in leadership roles throughout various industry sectors. An accomplished professional and entrepreneur herself, Bateman understands the challenges of being a business owner and is passionate about working with individuals and organizations to achieve positive outcomes.

Bateman’s instinctive ability, combined with her work and life experiences, “avail” her of the skills to achieve overall operational efficiency by demonstrating proficiency in problem-solving, communication delivery, strategic planning, leadership, and self-management.

AVAIL HR Training Solutions, located in Port aux Basques, NL, provides impactful learning and development training to improve your workplace culture and performance. In addition, AVAIL can offer a special package of training solutions to suit client needs and work environment. Contact us to see how AVAIL can help your business succeed today.

Email Edwina Bateman at or call at (709) 694-3513.

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